J |
X |
Y |
Z |
Actual Calib. Date |
The date on which the calibration is actually done on the equipment. |
Actual Misc |
The amount that is actually spent on miscellaneous expenditure. |
Actual Other Res. |
The amount that is actually spent on other resources. |
Actual Outsource |
The amount that is actually spent on outsourced resources. |
Actual Parts |
The amount that is actually spent on parts. |
Actual Skills |
The amount that is actually spent on skills. |
Actual Tools |
The amount that is actually spent on tools. |
Ad Hoc Service Class |
The class to which a non-standard service belongs. |
Alarm Level |
A user-defined value specified to indicate various ranges of parameter trigger set points. |
Allocated Misc. |
The amount that is allocated for miscellaneous expenditure. |
Allocated Other Res. |
The amount that is allocated for the expenditure on other resources. |
Allocated Outsourced |
The amount that is allocated for the expenditure on outsourced resources. |
Allocated Parts |
The amount that is allocated for the expenditure on parts. |
Allocated Skills |
The amount that is allocated for the expenditure on skills. |
Allocated Tools |
The amount that is allocated for the expenditure on tools. |
Allocation Date |
The date on which the plan amount was allocated. |
Already PR Raised Qty. |
The quantity for which purchase request has already been raised. |
Apex Location |
The location to which the costs incurred on the plan must be posted. |
Asset Structure |
A predefined template that can be used for creating equipment that has similar characteristics. You can attach trouble shooting guides, parameters, spare parts and inspection points to the asset structure. When equipment is created using the asset structure, the trouble shooting guides, parameters, inspection points and the spare parts that are attached to the asset structure are automatically inherited to the equipment. |
Attachment Date |
The date on which the equipment is attached to the parent equipment. |
Attribute parameter |
A parameter, which can assume one of the values from a predefined set. For example, the color of the engine oil can be treated as an attribute parameter |
Attribute Parameter Values |
The values that an attribute parameter can take. For example, if the color of the engine oil is treated as an attribute parameter, its values can be clear, brown and black. |
Auxiliary |
A term referring to the secondary and child equipment and locations. |
Base Period |
The period for which the severity and occurrence ratings are calculated. |
Bill Of Material (BOM). The bill of material contains the details of materials required for the service. |
Calendar and Usage Sch. Independently |
Indicates that calibration orders, work orders or inspection orders are generated independently for calendar-based schedules and usage-based schedules. |
Calendar and whichever earlier in Usage |
Indicates that calibration orders, work orders or inspection orders are generated for the calendar-based schedule and for the earliest of the usage-based schedules. |
Calendar OR Usage Sch. whichever earlier |
Indicates that calibration orders, work orders or inspections orders are generated for the earliest of the calendar-based or the usage-based schedules. |
Calibration No. |
The unique number generated for the calibration of equipment. |
Calibration Result |
The result of the calibration, which can be “Pass” or “Fail”. |
Calibration Schedule |
A schedule that involves defining the calibration jobs to be performed on each equipment based on various schedules. The schedules for calibration can be based on date as well as usage of the equipment or facility. |
Classification |
A collection of assets that have common properties such as parameters and task or procedure categories. |
Clearance Permit |
It is a work permit, which is required when multiple agencies are involved for the operation and maintenance of equipment or location. The clearance permit describes the list of clearance activities to be performed on related equipment by Operation/Production Personnel before the equipment or location is released for maintenance activities. It will also have a list of hazards associated with the equipment or location and the precautions to be taken by the person who is going to carry out the maintenance work. |
Clearance Request |
Clearance refers to the process of isolating the equipment or location to carry out maintenance activities. This is essentially done to prevent personnel injury and equipment damage when maintenance activities are carried out on the equipment. A clearance request is a document requesting the clearance for carrying out maintenance activities on the equipment or location. |
Condition |
The state of the equipment in a plant. For example, the “Up” condition can denote that the equipment is in a running state and “Down” condition can denote that the equipment is not in a running state. |
Constraint Type |
The type of the constraint that is defined for the task or service |
Consumption parameter |
A parameter, whose value keeps increasing with the usage. Some examples are, ’Electricity consumed’ and ‘Distance traveled’. |
Cost Type |
The type of the cost, which can be “Revenue” or “Capital”, to which the expenses incurred on the plan, must be posted. |
Costing Method |
The method of costing that is specified for the work order. It can be either “Standard Cost” or “User Specified Cost”. |
Criticality |
Denotes the importance or significance of maintenance activities that are carried out on the equipment. For example, the maintenance activity on the equipment with "High" criticality will be given priority as against the equipment with "Low" criticality. |
Daily Run Hours |
The average run-hours estimated per day, for the equipment. |
Date Of Last Calib. Order |
The date on which the last calibration order was raised on the equipment. |
Date Of Last WO |
The date on which the last work order was raised on the equipment/location. |
Default WareHouse |
The warehouse that must be considered as the default warehouse from which all the parts required for work orders created from the plan are procured |
Delay Codes |
Refers to the delays that happen during the execution of the work order, which may prevent the maintenance work to proceed as per schedule. Delays can be due to insufficient materials or tools issued to carry out the maintenance work, non-availability of technicians, unfavorable plant conditions or any other reason. |
Delta |
The actual increase in the parameter value over and above the value previously recorded. The system will automatically compute the total parameter value by adding this value to the existing parameter value. |
Detectability |
Indicates the ease with which problems can be detected on the equipment. You can define the detectability rating for the equipment, where a higher rating is provided for equipment on which problems can be detected easily, and a lower rating is provided for equipment on which problems are very difficult to detect. Detectability rating can also be provided for every problem that occurs on the equipment, to denote the ease with which the particular problem can be detected. |
Equipment |
An identifiable unit of an organization on which maintenance is carried out. It could be any physical asset of the organization. For example, machines, vehicles and buildings can be identified as equipment in an organization. |
Equipment Criticality |
The level of importance assigned to the equipment. Maintenance activities are decided upon, based on the importance or criticality of the equipment. For example, the maintenance activity on the equipment with "High" criticality will be given priority as against the equipment with "Low" criticality. |
Equipment Down Time |
Indicates the number of hours the equipment was not available for production or usage. . It might be due to various reasons such as maintenance work being carried out on the equipment, waiting time for various reasons like waiting for resources, waiting for clearance and repair time which includes testing or trial time. The down time of equipment is recorded for the purpose of failure analysis and reporting. |
Equipment Life |
The life of the equipment in terms of the life parameter defined for the equipment. |
Execution Agency |
The agency that must execute the inspection or preventive maintenance. The agency can be “Internal” or “External”. “Internal” indicates that the inspection or preventive maintenance can be carried out with the internal resources of the organization External indicates that the inspection or preventive maintenance can be carried out by an outside agency. |
Extended Date |
The extended date on which you wish to start the calibration, inspection and preventive maintenance as against the date calculated by the system. |
Extended Value |
The value of the parameter at which you wish to carry out the calibration, inspection or preventive maintenance on the equipment as against the proposed value computed by the system |
Failure Configuration |
The base period along with the severity and the occurrence ratings are together referred to as “Failure Configuration”. It is imperative to define the failure configuration with the details of the base period, the severity ratings and the occurrence ratings. |
Failure Group |
Group of equipment that fail due to similar problems. For example, equipment that fail due to corrosion caused by handling of salty water can be classified as a failure group. Likewise, pumps on which mechanical seal failure occurs can be classified as a failure group. Failure groups are created so that equipment belonging to the failure groups can be monitored effectively, as they fail due to a common problem. |
Finish – Finish relationship |
The type of relationship between two tasks or services, in which the execution of the related tasks or services will be completed at the same time. |
Finish – Start relationship |
The type of relationship between two tasks or services, in which the execution of a task or service should start after the completion of the related task or service. |
First Due At |
The parameter value at which the first calibration, inspection or preventive maintenance must be done on the equipment based on the schedule |
Forecast Review No. |
The number of the preventive maintenance forecast. |
Formula |
A relationship that is defined to update parameter values based on other parameter values. You can specify the contents of the formula by specifying parameters, inspection points along with arithmetic operators. |
Formula Content |
The content of the formula. |
Ganged Group |
Multiple equipment that function together in such a manner that, when single equipment in the group does not function, none of the other equipment in the group can be operational. This information is used by the system to enable opportunity maintenance in the event of equipment breakdown. |
Hazard |
Refers to the various perils or dangers that can occur while handling the equipment or location or while carrying out maintenance activities on the equipment or location. |
In Order Quantity |
The number of items for which a purchase order has been placed and which is yet to be supplied by the supplier |
Indicates whether the trigger action must be performed for a parameter value that falls within or outside the specified range. |
Initial Date |
The date on which the first calibration, preventive maintenance or inspection must be carried out on the equipment based on the schedules defined for that equipment. |
Inspection Order |
A document that is used for recording the details of the inspection that is carried out on equipment or a location. |
Inspection Point |
The physical place on the equipment or location where the parameters of the equipment or location can be measured . There can be many inspection points on single equipment or location. For example, you can define many inspection points on the equipment to monitor the vibrations of the equipment. |
Inspection Schedule |
A schedule based on which inspection orders are generated. |
Installation Date |
The date on which the equipment was installed in the organization. |
Interval |
The periodical interval after which calibration, preventive maintenance or inspection must be carried out on the equipment or location. |
Interval Type |
The type of interval, which can be one of the following: Fixed Interval – Indicates that calibration, preventive maintenance or inspection must be carried out on equipment after the lapse of the interval period, irrespective of whether the previous calibration is completed or not. Actual Interval – Indicates that calibration, preventive maintenance or inspection must be carried out on equipment after the lapse of the interval period, and only after the previous calibration is completed. |
Interval Unit |
The interval unit, which can be “Days”, “Weeks”, “Months” and “Years”. |
IS Template |
Inspection template. Inspection template is a predefined format to create multiple inspection schedules. |
Key No |
The key number of the lock by which the isolation points are locked during a lockout. |
Lag (Hrs.) |
The time gap between two tasks or services. |
Landmark |
The description of any physical landmark in the plant that helps in locating the equipment. |
Last Calib. Order Closing Date |
The date on which the last calibration order was closed. |
Last Calib. Order Generated |
The date on which the last calibration order was generated for carrying out calibration schedule. |
Last Calib. Order Sch. Start Date |
The date on which the last calibration order was scheduled to start. |
Last Calib. Order. No. |
The number of the last calibration order that was raised for carrying out the calibration. |
Last IO Compl. Date |
The date on which the last inspection order was completed. |
Last IO Date |
The date of the last inspection order. |
Last IO No. |
The number of the last inspection order that was raised for carrying out the inspection. |
Last IO Sch. Start Date |
The date on which the last inspection order was scheduled to start. |
Last WO Completion Date |
The date on which the last preventive maintenance work order was completed |
Last WO Generated |
The date on which the last preventive maintenance work order was generated for carrying out preventive maintenance schedule. |
Last WO No. |
The number of the last work order that was raised for carrying out the preventive maintenance. |
Last WO Sch. Start Date |
The date on which the last preventive maintenance work order was scheduled to start. |
Latest By Date |
The latest date by which the calibration, preventive maintenance or inspection must be performed |
Latest Expiry |
Items that have the latest expiry date are allocated first to the work order on scheduling. |
Lead Time for WO Generation (Days) |
The number of days by which preventive maintenance (PM) work order generation must be advanced from the scheduled date of a PM schedule. For example, if the scheduled date for a preventive maintenance work order is on the 20th of every month and if a lead-time of 10 days is specified, the PM work order will be generated on the 10th of every month for the particular schedule. |
Lead Time (Days) |
The number of days by which calibration order or inspection order generation must be advanced from the scheduled date of a calibration or inspection schedule. For example, if the scheduled date for a calibration or an inspection order is on the 20th of every month and if a lead-time of 10 days is specified, the calibration or inspection order will be generated on the 10th of every month for the particular schedule. |
LL of Tolerance |
The lower limit of the tolerance range that can be allowed for the equipment to be calibrated. |
Loading |
The percentage of the work load of the various resources assigned to the work order, for the period of assignment. |
Location |
The physical location within the plant where the equipment is installed, any location where the equipment may be moved for repair, storage or testing, or any other location that you may wish to define, such as “Office premises” and “Warehouses”. |
Location Type |
An user-defined type of location, such as shop floor, office premises, workshop, repair shop or warehouse. Location types will be useful when you wish to identify the events occurring in a particular type of location. |
LockOut / TagOut Procedure |
A lock out / tagout procedure is a collection of standard activities, that must be performed during a lockout or a tagout situation in a plant.. A lockout is a situation where an equipment or location on which maintenance activities must be carried out is isolated and its isolation points are locked and put out of operation. A tagout is a situation where a isolation tags are displayed to indicate that the equipment or location is in an isolated state. |
Lub. Item Code |
The item that is required for carrying out the lubrication job. |
Master Instrument |
The equipment to be used as the master equipment for calibration. |
Master Instrument Type |
The type of the master equipment used for calibration. They can be: Internal – Indicates that the equipment in the plant can be used as master equipment for calibration. External – Indicates that the equipment not belonging to the plant can be used as master equipment for calibration. |
Max. Bin Level |
During allocation of items for a work order, the system allocates from the bin in which the stock level is the maximum |
Measurement |
The measurement type of the RTI tag value, which can be “Digital” or “Analog”. |
Meter Reset Date |
The date on which the meter is reset. |
Material Requirement Planning. MRP is a set of techniques used for calculating the requirements for materials. This is done using the pending demands for items and the information about the stock that is available in the inventory and the expected receipt of the items. MRP makes recommendations to release orders for replenishment of material. The orders can also be We may also rescheduled the orders based on the material expected availability |
MTBF Days |
Mean Time Between Failure. |
New |
Indicates that the parameter value entered is taken from a cumulating meter value as read on the meter and not the differential value between its previous updated value and the current value. |
Next Due Date |
The date on which the next calibration, preventive maintenance or inspection is due to be performed on the equipment. |
Next Due Value |
The value of the parameter at which the next calibration, preventive maintenance or inspection on the equipment is due. |
Non-routine Task |
An unconventional or non-standard way of carrying out a maintenance activity in the plant. A non-routine task is not pre-defined in the system and is generated as and when required from the work order that is created for carrying out a maintenance activity. A non-routine task thus created can be converted to a routine task for repetitive use. |
Normal |
Equipment that cannot be classified as either “Tool” or “Rotable”, are classified as “Normal” equipment. |
Observation |
Any day-to-day events/observations, which do not warrant creation of work request or work order at first instance or any work-related information to be shared across shifts, across teams or across departments. |
Occurrence |
The occurrence rating is determined by the number of occurrences of problems on the equipment. You can define the different ranges of problem occurrences for a base period, and the system assigns a rating on a scale of 1 to 10 for the different ranges of problem occurrences. The higher the number of occurrences, the greater is the rating. |
Operational Date |
The date on which the equipment is put into operation. |
Parameter |
Attributes defined for each maintainable entity, which help in monitoring the condition or usage of the entity. For example, you can define parameters to monitor the temperature of a boiler, color of the engine oil or fuel or oil consumed by the equipment. The parameters that are so defined are later associated to the maintainable entities. |
Parameter Value – Event High |
The value to be updated to the parameter for the digital output “1”. |
Parameter Value – Event Low |
The value to be updated to the parameter for the digital output “0”. |
Pending Jobs List |
A list of jobs that are yet to be performed. |
Permit Req From Date |
The date from which the clearance permit is required. |
Permit Validity Date |
The period for which the clearance permit is valid. |
PlaceHolder |
A placeholder refers to a specific area on the equipment, which can serve as a “seat” for the rotable equipment. For example, if there are two motors to drive the equipment, ‘Drive1’ and ‘Drive2’ could be the placeholders to which rotables such as “Motors” can be attached. A placeholder is used to track the movement of a rotable within the equipment or from one equipment to another. |
Plan Amt. |
The amount that is planned to be allocated to a location. |
Plan Category |
The category to which the plan belongs. |
Plan No. |
A maintenance plan is created for planning the shutdown activities of a plant or a part of the plant and involves carrying out tasks on various equipment or location or for planning for a project. |
Plan Priority |
The priority of the plan. |
Plan Sch. End Date |
The date on which the plan was scheduled to end. |
Plan Sch. Start Date |
The date on which the work on the plan is scheduled to start. |
Plan Status |
The status of the plan, which can be “Fresh”, “Confirmed” and “Closed”. |
Planning Group |
Responsibility center for performing the maintenance work, which contains one or more work groups. |
Planning Horizon |
The period for which you wish to do spares planning. |
PM |
Preventive Maintenance. Preventive maintenance can be defined as the act of keeping equipment or location in satisfactory condition by providing systematic inspection, detection, and correction of incipient failures either before they occur or before they develop into major defects. |
PM Template |
A predefined format to create a preventive maintenance schedule. |
PM Type |
The type of preventive maintenance to be performed. |
Post Calibration |
The reading on the equipment after calibrating. |
Posted Date |
The date on which the task was posted as pending. |
PR Quantity |
The number of items for which purchase requests have been raised. |
PR To Raise |
The number of items for which purchase request must be raised for procurement. |
Pre Calibration |
The parameter reading on the equipment before calibrating. |
Predictive Maintenance |
The act of keeping equipment or location in a satisfactory state by systematically checking its condition. The condition of the equipment or location is monitored through the routine inspection of the equipment or location and by constantly recording the values of the measurable parameters. |
Preferred Supplier |
The supplier who should provide the service. |
Preventive Maintenance |
The act of keeping equipment or location in satisfactory condition by providing systematic inspection, detection, and correction of incipient failures either before they occur or before they develop into major defects. |
Primary System |
A system to which locations must be attached, if maintenance activities must be carried out on the locations. |
Priority |
The priority of the calibration, inspection order or work order. The execution of these documents depends upon the priority, or the different levels of importance, attached to them. |
Problem Code |
A code used to define a problem, which is an abnormal symptom that is noticed while operating the equipment. For example, problems can be fuse blowout, bearing seizure or loss of machining accuracy. |
Procedure |
A collection of related tasks grouped together to carry out a particular maintenance work. Tasks that have to be performed to resolve a problem in the equipment or location, and that needs to be performed and monitored together, can be grouped into a procedure. |
Process As |
The mode of processing the observation. It can be raising a work request, work order, or treat the observation as information, maintain a history of observations or add the observation as a pending job. |
Processing Remarks |
Any additional information on processing the observation entered in the work log. |
Production Affected Down Hours |
The number of hours for which the production was affected due to the equipment being down. |
Proposal Date |
The date on which the proposal is created. |
Proposal No. |
A proposal is a means by which a planner can estimate the expected expenses for his location (and for the equipment within his location) for a given financial year. |
Proposed Buffer |
The amount that is proposed for any additional or buffer expenditure. |
Proposed Misc. |
The amount that is proposed for miscellaneous expenditure. |
Proposed Other Res. |
The amount that is proposed for the expenditure on other resources. |
Proposed Outsource |
The amount that is proposed for the expenditure on outsourced resources. |
Proposed Parts |
The amount that is proposed for the expenditure on parts. |
Proposed Skill |
The amount that is proposed for the expenditure on skills. |
Proposed Tools |
The amount that is proposed for the expenditure on tools. |
Quick Order |
A document, which contains the information to carry out maintenance activities on equipment or a location and records the actual information of the work done. A quick order is created when there is a lack of sufficient time for raising work orders and for certain cases where planning and scheduling of work is not required. |
Range parameter |
A parameter that can contain a range of values. For example, the temperature of the boiler. |
Rating |
A number between 1 and 10, to indicate the severity and probability of detecting the problem when it occurs on the equipment. |
Receipt Date |
The date of the service receipt. |
Receipt Folder |
The user-defined folder of receipts. |
Receipt No. |
The number of the service receipt created for recording the service received from the supplier for carrying out the work order. |
Rejected Date |
The date on which the request is rejected. |
Reported By |
The employee who has reported the observations. |
Reported Time |
The time at which the observations were reported. |
Req. Qty. |
The number of spare parts required for the execution of the work orders. |
Request Folder |
The user-defined folder in which the service request is raised. |
Requester |
The employee who created the service request. |
Reset Meter |
Resetting of meter is done when the last reading or the capacity of the meter is reached and the reading must start afresh from zero. |
Resolution |
The corrective action to be taken for the problem encountered on the equipment. |
Rev Comp Date |
The revised completion date of the work order/task. |
Rev Sch Date |
The revised scheduled start date of the work order/task. |
Rotable |
Equipment that moves from equipment to another, during its active life cycle. A rotable is attached to the equipment through a placeholder. For example, motors. |
Route |
A route is a physical path that is defined for carrying out the inspection and lubrication activities on equipment and location in a plant. |
Routine Task |
A standard or conventional way of carrying out a maintenance activity in the plant. |
Real Time Integration. The RTI system is used for collecting online plant data from a variety of Distributed Control System (DCS). It provides the link between the plant automation systems and the Ramco application for automatic data collection. |
RTITag ID (Pseudonym) |
The tag of the RTI from where the parameter value is to be measured |
Safety Procedure |
A collection of hazards that are likely to occur while handling equipment or location and the set of precautions that must be taken in the event of a hazard. |
Sampling Interval |
The time intervals between which parameter values are required from the RTI. |
Schedule By |
The mode of scheduling a work order. It can be “By Work Order” or “By Task”. |
Schedule Date |
The date on which the work order execution must be started. |
Schedule Type |
The type of the schedule, which can be “Single” or “Staggered”. Single – Indicates that services are required on a specified date. Staggered – Indicates that services are required on different dates. |
Scheduled Calib. Date |
The date on which the calibration is scheduled on the equipment. |
Scheduling |
Refers to planning the execution of a work order by specifying the start dates and the completion dates for the work order and also by specifying the work group that would be responsible for carrying out the work order. Scheduling of work orders is done taking into consideration the availability of spare parts and resources to execute the work order, the feedback from production on equipment availability and the priority of the work order. |
Scheduling Count |
The number of times the work order or task has been re-scheduled. |
Service Code |
The identifier of the service. |
Service Variant |
The variant of the service. |
Set Point |
The value of the parameter at which the calibration must be done on the equipment. |
Severity |
Denotes the seriousness of failure of the equipment and is indicated by the number of production down hours of the equipment. You can define the different ranges of production down hours for a base period, and the system assigns a rating on a scale of 1 to 10 for the different ranges of production down hours. The higher the production down hours, the greater is the severity of failure. |
ShutDown Work List |
The tasks and/or procedures that have to be performed while shutting down equipment or a location. |
Spare Structure |
Spare parts are attached to a spare structure, which in turn is attached to an asset structure or equipment. |
Specification Template |
A template that allows you to store detailed information about assets. You can create a specification template by classifying and sub-classifying assets. Asset classification is grouping assets that have common properties such as parameters and task or procedure categories. |
Spl. Tool |
Any special tool that is required for carrying out the inspection order. |
Start – Finish relationship |
The type of relationship between two tasks or services, in which the related task starts only after the primary task has started and ends before the primary task ends. |
Start – Start relationship |
The type of relationship between two tasks or services, in which the execution of the task or service should start at the same time of the execution of another task or service. |
SubClassification |
Sub-classifications are defined to further classify an asset. For example, a classification can be equipment of type “Pumps” and its subclassification can be “Centrifugal”. |
Supervisor |
The supervisor of the service, if the service is to be performed by the supplier under internal supervision. |
System |
A group of locations logically arranged to form a hierarchy. For example, a location system can be used to model various sub-systems of a large coal based power plant. |
Tag UOM |
The unit of measurement in which the tag value is updated. |
Task |
The basic unit of maintenance work that is carried out on equipment or a location. |
Task / Procedure Categories |
Categories defined based on any criteria pertaining to the maintenance activity to be carried out on the equipment. For example, you can define categories such as “Mechanical”, “Electrical” and “Instrumentation”, and tasks and standard procedures that are later defined can be categorized based on these categories. |
Task / Procedure Types |
The type of task or procedure. A task or standard procedure type can be defined based on the nature of the maintenance work to be performed. For example, a task or standard procedure can be of type “Service”, “Lubrication” or “Inspection”. |
Task Sch Comp Date |
The date on which the task must be completed. |
Task Sch. Start Date |
The date on which the task must be started. |
Technical parameter |
A parameter whose value is fixed. These are the static information about the equipment such as the make, capacity, power rating, weight, color, dimensions etc. |
Tool |
A piece of equipment or instrument required to execute a maintenance task. A tool could be anything from a small instrument like multimeter to big equipment like crane or a pay-loader that is required for executing a maintenance task. The tool may or may not be an item defined in the inventory. Examples of tools could be vise-grips, oxyacetylene torch, electric hand drill, hydraulic floor jack, digital multimeter and pneumatic impact wrench. |
Tool Type |
The type of tool. Tools can be classified into various types according to the purpose served by them. Some examples of tool types are “Measuring instruments”, “Lifting tools”, “Welding tools”, “Cutting tools”, “Electric”, “Hand-held” and “Pneumatic”. |
Trouble Shooting Guide |
The problems that are expected to occur on equipment, along with the resolutions. |
UL of Tolerance |
The upper limit of the tolerance range that can be allowed for the equipment to be calibrated. |
User Defined Group |
A convenient classification of equipment or location into groups based on common characteristics such as area, location, manufacturer or any other user defined criteria. These groups can be used for review, reporting purposes and to create preventive maintenance schedules for the equipment defined in the user-defined group. |
Value At Last Calib. Order |
The parameter value at which the last calibration order was raised for carrying out the calibration on the equipment. |
Value At Last IO |
The parameter value at which the last inspection order was raised for carrying out the inspection on the equipment/location. |
Value at Last Meter Reset |
The parameter value as on the last meter reset. |
Value At Last WO |
The parameter value at which the last work order was raised for carrying out the preventive maintenance on the equipment/location. |
Value Before Meter Reset |
The value of the parameter before the last meter reset. |
Work Group |
The resource pool for carrying out maintenance activities in an organization. Employees, Tools, and Other Resources can be associated to a work group. |
Work Log |
Work log gives a flexible provision for the equipment operator for recording minor maintenance activities performed by him, which can be reviewed by the maintenance planner and posted to maintenance history directly without generating any work order. It can also be effectively used for reporting problems on which action is to be taken by the maintenance planner. The planner can raise a work request or a work order based on the information recorded in the work log. |
Work Order |
A document, which contains the information, to carry out maintenance activities on equipment or a location and records the actual information of the work done. |
Work Order Categories |
The category to which the work order belongs. A work order can be raised based on any criteria pertaining to the maintenance activities on the equipment. You can define the various categories of work orders that can be raised. For example, you can define work order categories like “Fabrication”, “Routine”, “Overhauling” etc. |
Work Order Types |
The type of the work order. A work order can be raised based on any criteria pertaining to the maintenance activities on the equipment. You can define the various types of work orders that can be raised. For example, “Preventive Work Orders”, “Corrective Work Orders” etc. |
Work Request |
A document used to report and register a request for maintenance by an employee encountering a specific problem on the equipment, to the respective planner. The planner in turn raises a work order based on the request to initiate appropriate action for the restoration of the faulty equipment. |
Work Unit Code |
The identifier of the task, procedure or service for which the relationship is defined. |
Work Unit Type |
The task, procedure or service for which you wish to define the relationship. |