Create Work Request

Unified Glossary

Basics of using a Ramco iEnterprise Series 4.0  Web Page

Using Online Help

This page allows you to create a request.

The “Create Work Request” page appears.

The system displays the following details in the header.

Workflow Status

The status of the document as per the workflow applicability.

From Work Request

The work request from which you wish to copy the details (Alphanumeric, 18).


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The system displays the following fields in the “Work Request” group box:

Work Request

A number automatically generated by the system for the work request.


The date and time at which the request is created. The system displays the current date and time.


The system displays “Fresh” as the status of the request.


The textual description of the work request (Alphanumeric, 150).


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Auto Close

Use the drop-down list box to specify the mode of closure of the request.

  • If the “Auto Closing” field in the “Options” activity has been set as “Yes”, the system displays “Yes” in this field to indicate that the request would be closed automatically when the last work order referenced by the request, is closed.

  • If the “Auto Closing” field in the “Options” activity has been set as “No”, the system displays “No” in this field to indicate that the request can be closed manually.

  • If the “Auto Closing” field in the “Options” activity has been set as “Optional”, the system displays the options “Yes” and “No” in this field. Select “Yes” to close the request automatically. Select “No” to close the request manually.


Use the drop-down list box to select the type of the request. The system lists all the types that are defined in the “Define WO Types” activity of the “Work Order” business component and are in the “Active” status. Leave the field blank, if you do not wish to specify any type for the work request. The system leaves the field blank, by default.


Use the drop-down list box to select the category to which the request belongs. The system fills in all the categories that have been defined in the “Define WO Categories” activity and in the “Active” status. Leave the field blank, if you do not wish to specify any work request category. The system leaves the field blank, by default.


Use the drop-down list box to select the priority to be assigned to the request. Priority indicates the level of importance that is assigned to the request. The system fills in all the priorities that have been defined in the “Define Priority“ activity of the “Maintenance Organization” business component and are in the “Active” status. Leave the field blank, if you do not wish to specify any priority. The system leaves the field blank, by default.

Request On

Use the drop-down list box to specify whether the work request has to be created on equipment or location. The system provides the options “Equipment” or “Location”. The system displays “Equipment” by default.


The equipment or location for which the work request must be created (Alphanumeric, 30). Mandatory. If you are entering the equipment code, ensure that it has already been defined in the “Create Equipment“ activity of the “Equipment Induction“ business component. If you are entering a location code, ensure that

  • the location  has already been defined in the “Define Location“ activity of the “Maintenance Organization“ business component.

  • the location should be a part of the primary system as defined in the “Define Primary System” activity of the “Maintenance Organization” business component.


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Press <Enter>. The description displays the description of the equipment or location alongside. The system also fills in the “Location” field.


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The system displays the following field:


If the request is being created for equipment, the system displays the location of the equipment. If the request is being created for a location, the system displays the location that you have specified in the “Code” field.



The problem for which the request is being created (Alphanumeric, 30). Ensure that the problem is already defined as a standard problem code in the “Create Problem Code” activity of the “Trouble Shooting Guide” business component and is in the “Active” status.


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Press <Enter>. The system displays the description of the problem.


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Any additional information about the work request (Alphanumeric check the length after migration, 255).


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Reported By

The employee ID of the person who reported the problem for which the work request is being created (Alphanumeric, 10).

Ensure that the employee is already created in the “Employee Induction” business component of Ramco Human Resources Management Solution.


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Press <Enter>.

Work Group

The work group that is expected to carry out the corrective action on the equipment for which the request is being created (Alphanumeric, 30). Ensure that the work group is already defined in the “Create Work Group” activity under the “Work Group” business component and is in the “Active” status.


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Press <Enter>.

Note: This work group will be defaulted in the work order(s) created from this work request.

Work Phone

The contact information of the person who can provide details about the request that is being created (Alphanumeric, 150).

Eqp. Condition

Use the drop-down list box to indicate the condition of the equipment  when the request was created. The system fills in this field all the user-defined conditions that have been defined for the equipment in the “Define Equipment Conditions” activity of the “Equipment Induction” business component and are in the “Active” status. Leave the field blank, if you do not wish to specify any equipment  condition. The system leaves the field blank, by default.

Obs. Date

The date on which the problem was observed on the equipment or location (Date Format). The system displays the current date by default.


Enter the time at which the problem was observed, in the edit field alongside (Time Format). The system displays the current time, by default.


Press <Enter>.


Ensure that the date and time entered is not later than the current system date and time.


Press <Enter>.

Target Date

The date by which the work is requested to be completed (Date Format).


Press <Enter>.


Enter the time by which the work is requested to be completed (Time Format).


Press <Enter>.

The system creates the work request and sets the status as “Fresh”. The system also records the work request in the work request history.

When the Print task is executed without the Work request number, then the system will throw an error message .

The system displays the following fields in the “Record Statistics” group box:

Created By

The login ID of the user who created the request.

Created Date

The date and time at which the request was created.

Last Modified By

In this activity, this field contains the login ID of the user who created the request.

Last Modified Date

In this activity, this field contains the date and time at which the request is created.

















What you can do in this page

Specify the maintainable object for which request must be created

Specify the manner in which the request must be closed

Copy details from an existing request

















Specify the maintainable object for which request must be created

You can specify whether the request must be created for equipment or location.

















Specify the manner in which the request must be closed

You can specify the manner, in which the request can be closed, depending upon the option set for auto-closure of requests in the “Options” activity.

















Copy details from an existing request

You can copy details from requests that are already defined.

A new request is created with the copied details.
















