Process Work Request

Unified Glossary

Basics of using a Ramco iEnterprise Series 4.0  Web Page

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This page allows you to select a request and forward, approve or reject it. Tell me more.

The “Process Work Request” page appears.

To search for a work request

Work Request

The request for which the details are to be modified (Alphanumeric, 18). You can enter the request in full or specify it partially. The system displays all the requests that are similar to the request entered here. Leave the field blank to retrieve all requests.


The textual description of the work request to be modified (Alphanumeric, 150). You can enter the description in full or specify it partially. The system displays all the requests whose descriptions are similar to the description entered here. Leave the field blank to retrieve all requests.

Reported By

The employee ID of the user who reported the problem for which the request was created (Alphanumeric, 10). You can enter the employee ID in full or specify it partially. The system retrieves all the requests that were created based on the problem reported by employees with similar IDs.

Request On

Use the drop-down list box to specify whether you wish to retrieve requests that are created on equipment or on location. The system provides the options: “Equipment” and “Location”. Leave the field blank to retrieve requests that are created on either equipment or location.


The equipment or location on which the requests are created (Alphanumeric, 30). You can enter code in full or specify it partially. The system retrieves all the requests created on equipment or location with codes similar to the code entered here.


The location of the equipment for which you wish to retrieve all the requests that have been created (Alphanumeric, 30). You can enter the location in full or specify it partially. The system retrieves all requests that have been raised on locations similar to the location entered here. This also includes requests that have been raised on equipment whose location is similar to the location entered here. Leave the field blank to retrieve requests created in all locations.


Use the drop-down list box to select the type of the work request to be retrieved. The system lists all the types that have been defined in the “Define WO Types” activity and in the “Active” status. Leave the field blank to retrieve all the requests irrespective of their type.


Use the drop-down list box to specify the category of the request to be retrieved. The system lists all the categories that have been defined in the “Define WO Categories” activity and in the “Active” status. Leave the field blank to retrieve all requests irrespective of their category.


Use the drop-down list box to retrieve requests based on their priority. The system lists all the priorities that have been defined in the “Define Priority“ activity of the “Maintenance Organization“ business component. Leave the field blank to retrieve all the requests, irrespective of the priority attached to them.


Use the drop-down list box to retrieve work requests belonging to a specific status. The system provides the options: “Fresh” and “Forwarded”. Leave the field blank, to retrieve work requests belonging to both statuses.


The date starting from which you wish to retrieve the requests (Date Format).


The date until which you wish to retrieve the requests (Date Format). Leave the field blank to retrieve all the requests that are created till date.

The system displays the following fields in the “Search Results” multiline based on the filter criteria entered:

Work Request

The work request retrieved by the system.


The date on which the request was created.


The time at which the request was created.


The description of the request.

Reported By

The employee ID of the user who reported the problem for which the request was created.


The status of the request, which can be “Fresh” or “Forwarded”.

Request On

The maintainable object, which can be “Equipment” or “Location”, on which the request was created.


The equipment or the location code for which the request has been created.


The type of the work request.


The category to which the work request belongs.


The level of importance attached to the request.


Any additional information about processing the work request (Alphanumeric, 255).

The system displays the following field in the multiline:



The work order that was created based on the work request. The system displays this field only if you have approved the work request and created a work order based on the approved work request.


To forward work requests

Forward  To ( User Name)

The name of the user to whom you wish to forward the work request (Alphanumeric, 30). Data entry in this field is mandatory if you are forwarding the requests. Ensure that the user is already defined in the “Create Employee File” activity of the “Employee Personal Information business component of “Ramco Human Resources Management Solution”.

Note: The system forwards the request to the specified user and sets the status of the request as “Forwarded”. The system also records the details of forwarding in the request history.

Note: This action is workflow-enabled. You can configure further processing of this document in the "Workflow Management" business component.

To approve a work request

Note: The system approves the work request and sets the status of the work request as “Approved”. The system also records the details of approval in the request history.

To approve a work request and create a work order

Note: The system approves the work request and sets the status of the work request as “Approved”. The system also generates a work order in the “Fresh” status, based on the request and displays the work order number in the “Work Order No.” field in the multiline.

The work order inherits the description, priority, the type, the category, problem code, contact information, the equipment or location for which the request is created, the observed date and time and the work group. The targeted date and time of the request is considered as the scheduled completion date and time of the work order.

The system also records the details of approval in the request history.

To move the work requests to the pending jobs list

Note: The system copies the details of the selected work requests to the pending jobs list.

To reject a work request

Note: You can reject a work request that is in the “Fresh” or “Forwarded” status.

Note: The system rejects the selected requests and sets the status of the work request as “Rejected”. This request will not be available for any further processing unless the request is reversed to its previous status in the “Reverse Request” activity. However, you can view the rejected request in the “View Request” activity. The system records the details of rejecting the request in the request history.

To proceed, carry out the following















What you can do in this page

Approve a work request

Approve a work request and create a work order

Move work requests to pending jobs list

Reject a work request















Approve a work request

You can approve a work request in this page. You can create a work order only from a work request that is in the “Approved” status.















Approve a work request and create a work order

You can approve a work request and create a work order based on it.















Move work requests to pending jobs list

You can move the work requests to the pending jobs list.















Reject a work request

You can reject a work request in this page. This request will not be available for any further processing.















Process Work Request – An overview

In this page, you can select a request and forward, approve or reject it. You can select the work request by carrying out a search based on the following fields:

The system retrieves the requests that are in the “Fresh” or “Forwarded” status, based on the filter criteria entered. From the search results, you can select a request for forward, approval or rejection.

You can approve, forward or reject the requests that are selected. While approving the request, you are provided with the option of automatically creating a work order, based on the approved request. The status of the request changes to “Approved” on approval.

If you wish to forward the request to another user, you should enter the user name identifying the employee. The status of the request changes to “Forwarded” when the request is forwarded.

If you reject a request, the status of the request changes to “Rejected”. This request will not be available for any further processing, unless the request is reversed to its previous status in the “Reverse Request” activity. However, rejected requests can be viewed in the “View Work Request” activity.

You can also add work requests to the pending jobs list so that they can be executed at a later date.

The system records the processing details of the request in the request history.














