This page allows you to retrieve request details based on search criteria and reverse selected requests. Tell me more.
Select the “Reverse Work Request” link under the “Work Request” business component.
The “Reverse Work Request” page appears.
To search for a work request
Enter the following filter criteria in the “Search Criteria” group box to search for a request. Data entry in the following fields is optional:
Work Request |
The work request to be reversed (Alphanumeric, 18). You can enter the request in full or specify it partially. The system displays all the requests that are similar to the request entered here. Leave the field blank to retrieve all requests. |
Desc. |
The textual description of the work request to be modified (Alphanumeric, 150). You can enter the description in full or specify it partially. The system displays all the requests whose descriptions are similar to the description entered here. Leave the field blank to retrieve all requests. |
Reported By |
The employee ID of the user who reported the problem for which the request was created (Alphanumeric, 10). You can enter the employee ID in full or specify it partially. The system retrieves all the requests that were created based on the problem reported by employees with similar IDs. |
Request On |
Use the drop-down list box to specify whether you wish to retrieve requests that are created on equipment or on location. The system provides the options: “Equipment” and “Location”. Leave the field blank to retrieve requests that are created on either equipment or location. |
Code |
The equipment or location on which the requests are created (Alphanumeric, 30). You can enter the code in full or specify it partially. The system retrieves all the requests created on equipment or location with codes similar to the code entered here. |
Location |
The location of the equipment for which you wish to retrieve all the requests that have been created (Alphanumeric, 30). You can enter the location in full or specify it partially. The system retrieves all requests that have been raised on locations similar to the location entered here. This also includes requests that have been raised on equipment whose location is similar to the location entered here. Leave the field blank to retrieve requests created in all locations. |
Type |
Use the drop-down list box to select the type of the work request to be retrieved. The system lists all the types that have been defined in the “Define WO Types” activity and are in the “Active” status. Leave the field blank to retrieve all the requests irrespective of their type. |
Category |
Use the drop-down list box to specify the category of the request to be retrieved. The system lists all the categories that have been defined in the “Define WO Categories” activity and are in the “Active” status. Leave the field blank to retrieve all requests irrespective of their category. |
Priority |
Use the drop-down list box to retrieve requests based on their priority. The system lists all the priorities that have been defined in the “Define Priority“ activity of the “Maintenance Organization“ business component. Leave the field blank to retrieve all the requests, irrespective of the priority attached to them. |
Status |
Use the drop-down list box to retrieve work requests belonging to a specific status. The system provides the options: “Approved” and “Rejected”. The system also provides the option “Closed” only if the option for reversing a closed work request has been set in the “Options” activity. Leave the field blank, to retrieve work requests belonging to all the above statuses. |
Enter the following fields to carry out a search based on the “Date Range” field:
From |
The date starting from which you wish to retrieve the requests (Date Format). |
To |
The date until which you wish to retrieve the requests (Date Format). Leave the field blank to retrieve all the requests that are created till date. |
Click the “Search” pushbutton to retrieve the search results.
The system displays the following fields in the “Search Results” multiline based on the filter criteria entered:
Work Request |
The work request retrieved by the system. |
Date |
The date on which the request was created. |
Time |
The time at which the request was created. |
Desc. |
The description of the request. |
Status |
The status of the request, which can be “Approved”, “Rejected” or “Closed”. |
Request On |
The maintainable object, which can be “Equipment” or “Location”, on which the request was created. |
Code |
The equipment or the location code for which the request has been created. |
Reported By |
The employee ID of the user who reported the problem for which the request was created. |
Type |
The type of the work request. |
Category |
The category to which the work request belongs. |
Priority |
The level of importance attached to the request. |
Enter the following field in the “Search Results” multiline:
Remarks |
Any additional information about reversing the previous action performed on the work request (Alphanumeric, 255). |
Check the box in the “Select” column of the multiline to select the work requests for reversing.
Note: If you are selecting a work request in the “Approved” status for reversal, ensure that there are no work orders that are created from the work request.
Click the “Reverse” pushbutton to reverse the requests.
Note: The system records the details of reversal in the request history and restores the original status of the request. If the request was in “Approved” or “Rejected” status before the reversal, the status of the request is set as “Fresh” or “Forwarded”. If the request was in “Closed” status before the reversal, the status of the request is set as “Approved”.
Click the hyperlinked work request number in the multiline to view its details.
To proceed, carry out the following
Select "Work request details" link in the bottom of the page to view the details of work request.
Reverse Work Request – An overview
In this page, you can retrieve request details based on search criteria and reverse selected requests. You can carry out a search based on the following:
the request and its description
the maintainable object, which can be either equipment or location, for which the request has been created
the identifier of the equipment or location
the employee ID of the user who reported the problem for which the request was created
the priority assigned for the request
the location of the equipment for which the request has been created
the category to which the request belongs
the problem for which the request has been created
the type of the request
the status of the request to be reversed
the date on which the request was created
Based on the filter criteria entered, the system retrieves all the requests that are in the “Approved”, “Rejected” and “Closed” statuses. The system retrieves closed requests only when the option for reversing closed requests is set in the “Options” activity.
You can reverse the requests that are listed in the multiline and enter any additional information about the reversal of the request.
When a request in the “Approved” or “Rejected” status is reversed, the original status of the request before the approval or rejection, which can be either “Fresh” or “Forwarded”, is restored. When a closed request is reversed, the status of the request is set as “Approved”. The reversal details are recorded in the request history.
Create Work Request. At least one request must be in “Approved”, “Rejected” or “Closed” status.