This page allows you to view the history details of the request selected in the previous page. Tell me more.
Select the “View History” link from the bottom of the main page.
The “Work Request History” page appears.
The system displays the following fields in the “Work Request” group box:
Work Request |
The work request for which the history details are displayed. |
Date |
The date on which the work request was created. |
Status |
The status of the work request. |
Desc. |
The description of the request. |
Zoom facility available | |
Auto Close |
The mode of closure of the request. |
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Type |
The type of the request. |
Category |
The category to which the request belongs. |
Priority |
The priority of the request which indicates its level of importance. |
Request On |
The maintainable object, on which the request was created, which can be “Equipment” or “Location”. |
Code |
The equipment or location for which the work request was created. |
The description of the equipment or location is displayed alongside. | |
Zoom facility available | |
Location |
The location of the equipment. |
Problem |
The problem for which the request was created. |
The description of the problem is displayed alongside. | |
Zoom facility available |
The system displays the following fields in the “Request History” multiline:
Date |
The date on which the action was taken on the request. |
Time |
The time at which the action was taken on the request. |
Action |
The action performed on the request, which can be “Created”, “Modified”, “Fwd to: <User Name>”, “Reversed” “Rejected”, “Approved”, “Approved and Created WO”, “Moved to Pending Jobs List”, “Canceled” or “Closed”. |
Status |
The status of the request after the action was performed. The following are the various actions performed on the request and the corresponding status: |
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Action By |
The login ID of the user who performed the action on the request |
Remarks |
Any additional information relevant to the action taken on the request that is recorded as the history. |
Viewing work request history – An overview
The history of a request is recorded automatically by the system as and when an action is performed on the request. Whenever actions such as creating, modifying, forwarding, approving, reversing, rejecting, canceling or closing, are taken on the request, the system automatically records these actions as the history details of the request.
You can view the history details of the request selected in the previous page. You can also directly enter a request other than the request selected in the previous page and retrieve its history details for viewing. The details of the request history such as the action performed on the request, the user who has taken the action, the date and time when the action was taken and the status of the request after the action was performed, are displayed.